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Red Ladybird Celebrations Assembly

With so many Christmas celebrations, the children at Little Trinity Nursery in Kidderminster did something a little different and instead took to the stage for a Celebrations Assembly. In front of parents and family members the children acted out the story ‘Dear Santa’ sharing their wish lists of what they would like for Christmas.  Nursery Manager, Miss Gaynor Carter, said: “The ‘Celebrations Assembly’ is the culmination of all the activities and projects the children have enjoyed and taken part in throughout the term, and there was indeed much to celebrate.”

“They’ve done lots of fund raising and helping others less fortunate than ourselves, as well as celebrating the many festivals and special days throughout the year, and of course Christmas.” The children all aged between 2 and 4 years acted-out the many activities they had enjoyed during the term through their letter to Santa.

Miss Carter added: “The assembly was wonderful, with many of the children having speaking parts they needed to remember their lines. Not only was it fun but the assembly also helps to promote and strengthen their speech and language skills, as well as their personal and social skills and helps them gain confidence ready to stand up in front of a big audience, which they did brilliantly.”