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General News


The children all had great fun at our Halloween party! Activities and games throughout the day, a party lunch and a disco with more games and dancing!!!

Fundraising for Kemp

Over the past year Little Trinity has raised funds for their nominated charity ‘Kemp for Kids’. The children took part in many events, including sponsored swims and fancy dress days and also learnt about how it is important to be caring and supportive to others in need. In total we raised £1438.07 and had the […]

Awards For Little Trinity Swimmers

    Children at Little Trinity enjoy weekly swimming sessions and are taught skills to increase confidence in the water as well as swim independently with and without any aids. Over the past few weeks we have been working toward duckling awards as well as swimming badges for swimming without bodybelts and floats. Sonny and […]

Swimming Awards – January 2019

During our weekly swimming lessons we have started working towards swimming awards. This week, Harry, Sienna and Marlie all achieved awards swimming totally unaided and without a body belt or other floats. Sienna and Harry swam a 1/2 width of the school pool and achieved a red badge. Marlie swam a 1/2 width but then […]

Halloween 2018

Little Trinity Halloween Fun Children at Little Trinity Nursery in Kidderminster enjoyed a Halloween fancy dress party and disco with Halloween themed cakes and biscuits, carved pumpkins and lots and lots of spooky arts and crafts activities to scream about. Around 40 children ranging in ages from 2-years of age and up took part in […]

Kemp for Kids

Kidderminster Nursery to Support KEMP for Kids Little Trinity Nursery in Kidderminster, which has over the last two months already raised and donated over £240 to charity, has formalised its charity giving by linking with children’s bereavement charity, KEMP for Kids. KEMP for Kids offers support from the age of 5 for children, young people […]

New learning play area opens

New Children’s Play Area Opened with Macmillan Coffee Morning Little Trinity Nursery in Kidderminster marked the opening of their new outside play area with a Macmillan Coffee Morning, inviting parents and carers to join them to celebrate and raise funds for the charity. Planning began at the start of the year for the new facility, […]