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Kemp for Kids

Kidderminster Nursery to Support KEMP for Kids Little Trinity Nursery in Kidderminster, which has over the last two months already raised and donated over £240 to charity, has formalised its charity giving by linking with children’s bereavement charity, KEMP for Kids. KEMP for Kids offers support from the age of 5 for children, young people and their families who have experienced somebody close to them dying or living with a life-limiting illness, tailoring its support services to the child’s wishes and needs. KEMP for Kids’ one to one therapeutic work includes the chance to talk, take part in arts based and creative activities such as making memory boxes and jars, or take part in a combination of activities so that they have a chance to talk and explore their experiences and emotions at what is a very difficult and upsetting time in their lives. Little Trinity Nursery Manager, Gaynor Carter said: “We always try to support as many charity events as we can such as Macmillan and Jeans for Genes day, and we will still be getting all colourful and spotty for Children in Need in November. “Sadly, many children will experience someone close to them living with a life limiting illness or someone who has passed away. Choosing KEMP, which is our local charity and the amazing work that they do supporting bereaved children through KEMP for Kids, we aim to get more of our parents and children involved as well as highlight what a remarkable service KEMP provides to families and children in our community.” Looking forward to supporting KEMP for Kids, Little Trinity will also be taking part in KEMP’s ‘Light Up A Life’ campaign in December. Popular with parents the nursery is forced to operate a waiting list for its pre-school intake, with many more children due to join the nursery in the new year. Gaynor added: “The message we try and get across to the children is to think about others and about how fortunate we all are to be healthy and have good family support, as others maybe don’t, and by doing a little we can all make a big difference. “Focusing mainly on one local charity will mean we will be able to involve more of our parents and children in our fundraising activities and help to promote KEMP for Kids and the support they offer to children and young people at home, at school or through KEMP Hospice.”